Sunday, December 23, 2012


There is no substance to this post, but for many hours a day, I stare at my daughter and marvel at her amazing eyelashes. My brilliant and talented sister B took this picture (when we dumped the baby at her house and ran off to watch a Bond movie. Weee!). It's no secret that I wanted a blue-eyed baby. Not that they are in any way superior to babies of other eye colors, but I'm a sucker for blue eyes, and it was sort of a genetic long-shot since there aren't a lot of blue eyed genes running around my side of the family, but we won the luck of that draw it seems. She has the same blue-grey eyes as her daddy. Those eyelashes? Those are all J too!


Julie Short said...

I grew up in a house of blue eyed men. My brothers and my dad all have blue eyes but somehow I ended up with the hazel eyes of my mom. The odd man out so to speak. It's no surprise that I married a blue eyed man. And now Jackson has those same beautiful blue eyes. I just love them!

Doing My Best said...

She is so beautiful =)!!

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