Friday, June 1, 2012

Weight. Wait, don't tell me.

With all the various doctor appointments I've had recently, there have been lots of scales to step on. Thankfully, the numbers keep moving down (thank you breastfeeding). But oh the numbers! Currently, I'm about 10 lb under my pre-pregnancy weight, which is about 20 lb less than what I weighed on E's birth day, but 20 lb heavier than what I think of as my "normal" weight, which is about 20 lb heavier than my goal weight, which is about 20 lb heavier than the BMI chart says I should be. But my jeans fit, so, you know... there's that.

Also, thankfully, I'm done with doctors for a little while. All pending appointments are for The Squnchler.

I read a book! A whole book! In The Woods by Tana French. It was good and suspenseful, but left one of the two mysteries that made me want to read the story completely unanswered. We all know how I feel about unsatisfying endings. Still, I managed to read a book while Eleanor was sleeping or eating.

We've made the switch to cloth diapers. It's going pretty well. There is a learning curve at the moment--figuring out all the different kinds of diapers that I bought and their various inserts to avoid leaking. Also, I really need a clothes line to dry these suckers on. One, Dallas is basically a giant hot air tumbler in summer anyway, so I'd love to take advantage of that, for my pocket book. Two, I need the sunshine to do its work, bleaching away stains and whatnot. The problem is there isn't any spot on our property that isn't shaded. Which, again, is great for my pocket book in terms of keeping the house cool, although we do have to turn a lot of lights on during the day in our cave-like living room. Still, I need to find a spot for my clothes line.

 My parents adopted another kitten, a friend for their beautiful tortie, Moki. This is Bandit, snuggling down to take a nap in E's car seat. She is friendly and sweet. I'd forgotten how much fun kittens could be. Watching her go tearing around the house, with her tail straight in the air! Moki is getting used to the new addition pretty well. There is hissing and chasing and arched backs, but not much. I don't think it will last for long. And yes, my parents now have cats named Moki & the Bandit. As you can see (example: the title), the penchant for puns comes completely naturally to me.

Oh, and Eleanor is smiling a lot more these days. She's smiling in response to us, to me, which pretty much just makes my day. She has also learned to frown, which I have yet to catch on camera, but believe me, it is equally exciting!


Shannon said...

Oh my GOODNESS, that baby girl and that smile!!!! Could she be any more beautiful??

Melanie said...

Hi, I'm a new reader, I just found your blog. First - great smile on your baby! So cute! :) Second - I also live in Dallas and cloth diaper (my baby is 15 mo) and I found last summer that it seriously did not matter that my clothesline was in shade - the stains managed to be bleached out anyway. My theory is that Dallas sun will find a way to get to you! I don't know how shaded you are talking, but my clothesline was under tall, old pecan trees. Just in case you wanted to try!

P.S. This is already the longest comment ever, but I've also read In the Woods and I was told that the ending would be unsatisfying but it was not enough to prepare me!! The next one in the series is really good though, and has no unsolved mysteries at the end.

Amy W said...

I was going to let you know that its actually better to not have direct sun because it can hurt the PUL in your diapers by getting them too hot. Its the UV rays from the sun so shade should be ok.

Jessica said...

Oh, those last pictures are just so cute! I love the baby smiles.

LE Bean said...

Ah! Perfect. We have big, old pecan trees as well.

And I will attempt The Likeness now that I know I won't be left with question marks dangling about my head at the end. But is se EVER going to tell us what happened? Does she even know? Oh, the suspense!

Also, welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

LE Bean said...

Oh hooray. That's reassuring.

LE Bean said...

Me too. It's the best part of my day!

LE Bean said...

I'm completely biased, but I don't think so. J & I do damn fine work!

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